MovTracer is the MES solution for collecting,
aggregating and recording vital manufacturing
company information in your preferred
database format. Production data acquisition in
realtime and monitoring main performances
(KPI,OEE) allow you to make productivity
improvements, reduce loses and increase profits. |
Guaranteeing production process information flow in realtime, enterprise wide, from shop floor sensors directly to the company managerial offices, is the true solution for improving productivity efficiency, reducing loses and increasing profits. In fact, the ideal production lies on the real factory machine capabilities of working non-stop at maximum speed, without downtimes or inactivity and product reject threats. Today staying market competitive is paramount but unsustainable if you don't use the right technology. Production lines will be prone to standstills and will produce defective pieces if the machines are unable to working to their full capacity or demands made of them. This is often the case of misinformed factory management on realtime factory floor performances. Even though equipped with OEE indicator knowledge about their systems, they still can't get that efficiency so needed to improve productivity.
This is where MovTracer© 11 steps in, the most simple and affordable solution to manage and aggregate information flowing directly from production lines straight into the hands of company managers, laid out in the plainest and simplest way ever and crucial for closing that gap between shop floor production, managerial offices and enterprise-wide resource planning.

Plant Intelligence solutions to improve productivity.
Based on years of tried and tested Industrial Connection and Data Collection technology experience, Progea can rightly say they have the best solution, the MovTracer© platform. A ‘must have' for any manufacturing company. MovTracer© comes with a suite of historian modules which can be selected and used for collecting data, and key indicators (KPI, OEE) can be represented in displays using an “Analyst Web-based” component to analyse data and production “dashboards”.
Thanks to this MovTracer© solution, manufacturing companies can truly discover the real productive capacity of their enterprise systems, machines and production lines, easily pin-point criticalities and imperfections and get the right information needed to improve efficiency. By enhancing performance to become more efficient will improve productivity adding more value to production system activity while reducing investment recovery times and re-enforcing company competitiveness. Due to today's prominent globalization, manufacturing companies cannot risk being inefficient thus non-competitive in a world thriving on competition. To stay competitive, strategic steps must be taken to reduce production costs by improving production machine use and flexibility to manufacture top quality goods.
This is the reason why MovTracer© offers cost contained tools designed for collecting realtime information flowing from manufacturing points, connecting company IT tools (ERP, SAP) directly to production lines and analysing coefficient productivity processes using tables and graphs in an integrated and open architecture through web access based solutions.
Having production data at your complete disposal in realtime means being able to recognize and anticipate weak points in production systems, make bottom-line decisions with confidence to increase productivity and efficiency.

Deployment fields
Movtracer can be practically used in all industrial sectors that need data acquisition and interfacing with the field in realtime, and wherever else needing data acquisition, tracing, aggregation, industrial and production data recording, automation process control, and production analysis.
For instance, MovTracer can be used in the following systems:
Industrial and manufacturing production data Tracers
Plant data recorded on DB for managerial analysis
Production control systems
Trace systems for maintenance analysis
Product retraceability systems
Preventive maintenance analysis systems
Industrial data distribution Servers
Information system and plant floor interfacing
Quality control management systems
Data acquisition systems