Movicon .
The first and only Scada/HMI
platform to be completely based on XML and Web
Services, from WinXP, Vista, Win7 to WinCE. The supreme openness and flexibility of the Movicon™ architecture makes it the perfect Scada/HMI supervision solution appliable to any sector in the world of automation.
Guaranteeing steady non-stop production process information flow in realtime on an enterprise-wide basis, from plant floor, facilities to business management levels, is the “real” solution for managing the production process of any modern industrial plant system, all directed at improving efficiency, increasing business with top quality products, client satisfaction and quick returns.
Movicon ™ 11 can make this happen by offering the best solution that no company can do without. An absolute ‘must have' for maintaining, developing supervisory control, operator interface and data acquisition software.
The exclusive “XML-Inside” technology is the revolutionary innovation to the Movicon™ 11 offering an all-in-one development environment for managing HMI, Scada, Soft-Logic and statistical production data analysis applications. A rich supply of powerful, open, flexible, easy to maintain and very simple-to-use tools are provided to help the user save time in developing. .

Movicon™ 11 is the technological evolution of Movicon™ X, the excellence of Scada/HMI platforms, with unsurpassed openness, simplicity and performances. The Movicon™ 11 technology is the only one of its kind completely based on the XML standards and emergent technologies such as the Web Services, SVG graphics, SOAP, OPC, SQL, XML, .Net and COM, and the java technology used for Web Client solutions.

Protect your investments with the most innovative and modern Software technology ever.
Movicon™ 11 revolutionizes and gives another meaning to the industrial supervision concepts. Not only does Movicon™ 11 provide you with a vast variety of tools for creating powerful visualization and control projects within a few clicks, it also incorporates the most innovative technologies ever to consent your application to easily integrate with the entire world, both in distributing information towards enterprise information management systems (MES, ERP), and distributing information to local or remote Clients across the web. Your system can be accessed safely from any part of the world and with any platform, thanks to the real “Web-enabled” architecture, exploiting java security. Deploying Movicon™ 11 will allow you to realize any type of supervision application, be it simple or complex, without compromising anything.
Web-enabled management to/from any where: just one information flow with open and secure multi-system connectivity created with just the one development platform. Movicon™ 11 integration is now a reality.
From I/O control to local HMI, from supervision Scada to Analysis Systems for managing and optimizing productivity, from systems to notify or page on-call duty personnel by remote control.
An integrated development environment, powerful and easy-to-use.
Movicon offer an intuitive and fully integrated development studio, flexible and expressely designed for the easy-to-use.

Intelligent Editor
Combining power with simplicity is not so easy. You will find those systems easy to use are restricted in what they can do. On the other hand, those which are very powerful tend to be too complex to use. This is where Movicon™ steps in, the only Scada/HMI platform put under severe usability and ergonomic tests (in collaboration with the university computer science research departments) passing with top grades. Movicon™ has been designed intelligently to fit all user needs to be more productive in less time and effort, with maximum deployment flexibility capacity without restricting potentiality.
The Movicon workspace is transparent, pleasant and intuitive. All the tools are ready-to-use at hands reach. Configuring is entirely based on using the magnificent vast range of object libraries and resources, all fully customizable through their properties window. This window can be moved, positioned and docked as pleased and provides all the properties divided logically by group and sub-groups. The vast number of configuration properties has been purposely provided to free you from writing endless code (scripts), saving you time in planning, project debugging and maintenance.
The main Movicon™ 11 Intelligent Editor features are:
- One built-in Editor extremely simple and easy-to-use. The one same Editor can be used with Windows™ Vista/XP or Windows™ CE or Web Client. No need to install additional components for creating your applications.
- Configurable Workspace, floating or conventional windows. Shortcut commands and speedier configuration pop-up windows.
- Configuring in Easy-mode displaying only the most common properties for user disposition to further simplify system use.
- Refactoring, tools for automatic correcting wrongly assigned tags to objects and missing text strings.
- Enhanced Cross Reference, built-in and interactive.
- Auto-create projects using wizards with project templates.
- Projects based on XML and open. “XML code” window for displaying and modifying objects directly in XML text. Option to create macros, internally and externally, for auto-creating projects or parts of projects in custom mode. Projects can be crypted whenever required.
- Object Programming Environment with powerful vector graphics.
- Symbol and Template libraries. Power Templates© technology for managing complex object libraries with integrated VBA code. Template management also provided for Alarms, Data Loggers, Events and Schedulers.
- Distributed project planning made possible with the “Child Project” technology, which consents dynamic decentralized project linking and integration, whether local or in network.
- Ms Visual Source Safe™ fully integrated and native, the best solution for distributed planning with security and project modification traceability.
- Deliberately designed with built-in support to the FDA CFR21 Part 11 normative
- Native and integrated I/O driver library, with automatic Tag importing from PLC with direct link to device. Free I/O Driver library included which can be added to and customized with SDK.
- Powerful on-line Debugger with functions to analyse and simulate projects both locally and in remote.
- Built-in IEC-61131-3 SoftLogic.
- “On Line” project modifications, local or remote
You can really cut your development time, and really save your investment.
The software engineering costs of an automation project alone can estimate to over 80% of the total expenditure for an average construction job. This enough is good reason to use planning tools capable of reducing development times accompanied by world class assistance from expert support and technical help services to protect your investment.
Based on innovative concepts Movicon™ 11 has been designed just for this. Progea's intense Research and Development, united with their vast experience in supervision software, has empowered them to reach the highest peaks of quality and technology available in today's world of software for industrial automation.
The aim to provide an all-in-one platform has become a company standard realized with Movicon™ 11, where ideas and innovations amalgamate to form a concrete technological base. These new technologies will help you reduce software ownership costs (training, support and maintenance) and drastically reduce development and application debug times by being aided with the extra intuitiveness and userfriendliness that even novice users will find it not just a pleasure but remarkably easy to use.
Reducing development times is paramount for any company using Scada/HMI systems and this is just what Movicon™ 11 will help you do. The Movicon™ 11 tools are especially designed to safeguard your time and keep work safe.
Benefit from the advantages of being flexible: An integrated all-in-one environment for every automation project need.
Today's automation world cannot rotate without being flexible. Flexibility means being able to deliver client demands without sacrificing one's work and know-how. Movicon™ 11 offers you major guaranty in safeguarding your investments and keeping you competitive by using just the all-rolled- into-one software platform, all you will ever need in your enterprise to satisfy every automation application need. This means from control levels (PLC, HMI) to Scada/MES Enterprise-wide levels.
Movicon™ 11 is a real and truly flexible and versatile platform, capable of adapting to every application need in modern automation. Its flexibility is your ticket to success, enabling you to reduce company expenditures and get fast returns, simply because only the one visualization and control software is needed however and wherever deployed. This also means you save time and money in learning, updating and the workforce needed. Don't settle for less than the best.

Integrated Languages .
Object oriented programming may not always be able to deliver solutions to cover the entire complexity of out-of-the-norm requirements. Even though the normal Scada platform's purpose in life is to also reduce the use of code and script to a minimum, this may not always be the case. In certain situations you have no choice but to use code and script for performing calculations, functions or customizing the more complex functionalities, such as those used for accessing databases, managing ActiveX or OCX, or managing special peripherals, algorithms, calculation functions, and other.
But don't lose heart, this is not in Movicon™ 11. The built-in languages offer the best and unmatched solutions whatever your need may be:
- Both VBA and VB.Net Languages
- Expression Generators
- Instruction List Codes (IL)
- Synapsis Languages
Secure Data Always .
All acquired process data from a supervision system is usually recorded and filed for further analysing. This data guarantees production managers all the information they need on the process in order to carry out the necessary analysis to improve their productivity, pinpoint and isolate anomalous behaviour. The Scada's mission is to consent data aggregation in the simplest way possible and allow recording and file management modalities to be defined and setup in the most appropriate way suited.
This important job is thoroughly done by Movicon™ based on the concepts of simplicity, reliability and openness. Movicon™ has three recording engines, based on a ODBC Manager model to guarantee maximum performance in data precision and openness in choosing the most suited data format at the same time. Movicon™ supports all relational DBs via ODBC but will automatically uses the Microsoft SQL Server™ for default, if not specified otherwise. One recording engine has been designated the task of recording process data using the Data Logger resource, another engine has been designated to the Event Log and the last one designated to the powerful and sophisticated variable Tracing management (ie. the Audit Trail).
As an alternative to using the ODBC recording engines, Movicon™ also provide you with the IMDB manager (In Memory DB), which permits you to record data (Data Loggers, Events or any other data) on simple text format files (.DAT o .XML), which then can be encrypted to allow recorded data to be only viewed exclusively through the Movicon™ controlled access modalities. The historical log management in IMDB can also be activated in part, which is particularly intended for Embedded systems, which require crypted data.
Connectivity with no limits.
Communicating in the fast lane safely at top speed is essential for any automation system. The supervision systems are meeting points of all process data. The crossroads of non-stop production information flow of business enterprise systems. The communication's strategic role is deeply rooted in Movicon™, where you will find all the tools you will ever need integrated to make information flow in the most quickest, smoothest and transparent way possible. Movicon™ 11 provides you with a rich library of I/O Drivers, native, integrated and included free in the product. Communication with control systems (PLC, CNC, Instrumentation, Fieldbus) has never been so quick to configure and never been so quick performing. Very helpful Wizards are at hand to automatically import and configure project variables directly form the PLC, helping you beat configuring times and reduce the risk of making errors. The I/O Driver library supports all PLCs and systems found on the market today, and can be added to by third parties using an appropriate SDK.
System access with maximum security, according to the strictest normatives.
The Movicon™ 11 applications guarantee maximum security and reliability. The User and Password management, complete and robust, has been explicitly designed to guarantee that projects are realized with simplicity and integration in conformance to the CFR21 part 11 specifications issued by the American FDA agency (Food & Drug Administration).
Movicon™ 11 ensures maximum data and system access protection, by applying protection criteria involving 1024 User levels and 16 access levels. Project users can be shared with the Window™ Domain, allowing the option to integrate and centralize user profiles. All the security criteria have been fully integrated and can be configured with a few mouse clicks, these include the Electronic Signature management, unauthorized access attempts control, password expiries, automatic log-off and the Audit Trail management. Movicon™ also lets you define protection levels and traceability directly in each single Tag, independently from the commands they have been associated with. Furthermore, Movicon™ supports the Windows™ Vista/XP Services and consents total or partial access block to the Windows™ desktop. Data is recorded on safe relational database (ie. SQL Server or Oracle) and in 128 bit encryption ownership format.
Openness is the Movicon™11 philosophy: entirely XML-based technology is where it's at.
The design politics of Progea has always been influenced by the maximum openness concept. Today the courageous decision to make Movicon™ project structures go XML technology based has paid off, consenting maximum exposure to openness never experienced before, with immediate use and purposely aimed to give unsurpassed advantages to all users. The XML metalanguage is structured text defined by the W3C consortium international standard. All the Movicon™ 11 projects, resources and objects are simple XML files, therefore accessible by an other Editor. A project option to encrypt files at an instance, at anytime, is user prerogative, and sustains the old “binary file ownership”. Disposing projects in XML surpasses the “importation-exportation” concept, permitting access to text structures of any project item or object, whether from Movicon™ 11 or any other external Editor. This opens the way through stumbling blocks to new “autoprogramming” concepts, where the user can go as far as predisposing macro and script that, based on related regulations, provide way to create and generate parts of projects or even the whole project itself. Movicon™ is fully equipped with “Wizards” to generate project structures automatically using VBA code. The XML technology innovation goes one step beyond and extends the concepts of openness to freedom of choice in historical data formats, where you can now choose the one which best suits you if the default one doesn't (Ms SQL Server), such as Oracle or MySQL. Openness means freedom, being completely able to do what you like, free to reuse third party objects and components, such as ActiveX, OCX or external DLL, with “Safe Mode”, or make your RealTime database transparent to external relational DB tables with a oneclick automatic connection.

- Main Features of Movicon 11.1
- Scalability . Movicon™ 11 is an all-in-one software platform from Windows™ CE to Windows™ Vista. What is so special about Movicon ™11 is that you only need to have the one platform in your company to use for micro applications in HMI terminals or /and medium and big applications for manufacturing plants.
- Openness . Movicon™ 11 is completely based on XML. Projects are simple XML files, which can also be opened and edited with other Editors. This platform is always open to integration and customization with the world of Windows™ applications. Projects can be grouped in hierarchical structures and distributed or shared.
- Security . Movicon™ 11 guarantees the maximum data security. Projects, even though based on XML, can be encrypted with 128 bit coding algorithms. The FDA CFR21 Part 11 normative is completely integrated in the platform, making it extremely simple to create FDA ready applications. The User Password manager guarantees access security by level and/or area. The Visual Source Safe integration guarantees that all your work is kept safe.
- Standards. Movicon™ 11 is completely based on standard technologies, making sure that your investments are well safeguarded. The XML, ODBC, OPC, VBA, SOAP, Web Services, TCP-IP and SQL technologies have been integrated in the platform to guarantee easy data access and transparency.
- Performances. Movicon™ 11 has enhanced performances by renewing its concept of the “exception-based” technology and graphics engine based on SVG (Scalable Vectorial Graphics).
- Connectivity . Movicon™ 11 has implemented a new generation of communication drivers. These drivers include functionalities such as the automatic Tag importer, remote connectivity via modem, multi-station concept for point-to-point protocols, the bridging concept for teleservices in PLCs, immediate cable testing. These drivers guarantee full configurability and possibility to communicate on event with custom VBA logic as well. In addition to the free and included driver library, Movicon™ 11 provides you with total connectivity via OPC Da, with both the OPC DA and OPC XML DA technologies, and both as Client and Server.
- Very Efficient Networking . Movicon™ 11 strengthens the already advaced Networking technology of Movicon, with further enhanced efficiency and performances based on emergent and multiplatform technologies such as SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and SOA (Service Oriented Application). The Movicon ™ project can be Server and Client indifferently. Client projects can be distributed and run locally on the client while also residing on the central server. Further to this, the Movicon™ networking can be applied to any business network integration according to network administrator requirements: in addition to TCP-IP, the UDP and HTTP protocols are also supported. The networking feature automatically manages remote connections via RAS. Movicon™ 11 integrates the Web Services technology, consenting information distribution support to public networks (over the internet) with security provided by the adopted “Firewall-friendly” technologies.
- Web-enabled Architecture . Movicon™ 11 has renewed its Web Client technology. Its now innovative architecture, based on JAVA (which integrates well with the XML, SVG, Web Services technologies), consents server access using internet browsers in any platform (Windows™, Linux, Palm, PocketPC and Javaphones telephones thanks to J2ME). Multiuser , bidirectionality, performances and security are also guaranteed to help costs and maintenance reductions. Servers can be both Windows™ Vista/XP and Windows™ CE.
- SoftLogic IEC 61131-3 . Movicon™ 11 integrates the Logicon SoftPLC to guarantee a one-only programming environment whether on the SCADA/HMI side or SoftPLC side. This integration consents you to synchronize just the one Tag DB with just the one editor, saving you time in developing while enhancing potentiality significantly. The SoftLogic provides you with a powerful programming environment with the 5 IEC1131 languages, powerful debug and documentation functions, and a real-time runtime, for both Win32 and WinCE.
"Captivating" Visualization.
The mission to visualize the production process is paramount to any supervision system. The more transparent process visualization means more efficient plant floor management. Unlike a decade ago, users now explicitly demand that their plant and process be represented as near to reality as possible. The immediate look, feel and touch experience unleashes extra sensory perception. The being there but not being there, virtual reality is the key factor and this is where graphics play a major role. Most project development time is spent in creating the real thing on screen and Movicon™ 11 is supreme in this field. By using the vast range of the most powerful Movicon™ 11 graphics ever, won't take you long at all to achieve the real thing on screen.
Alarms: Under complete control.
The powerful Movicon™ 11 alarm management guarantees maximum precision in managing events and provides users with a rich source of information consenting continuous and immediate knowledge on how the plant is running, enabling them to improve on reducing production standstills and improve efficiency. The Alarms are managed for default according to the ISA S-18 normative, but they are completely customizable, by being managed as objects with numerous properties adaptable to every need. The activation/interval thresholds, fixed or changeable, determine alarm activation by managing four standard operating statuses (ON, OFF, ACK and RST), and consequently displayed in object orientated Active Alarm windows with numerous filter options (by time, area, priority, period, etc.) with the option to combine dynamic help and guidelines in external files (CHM, HTML, PDF).
Alarm Dispatcher
Unmanned or remote plant systems must guarantee and relay information immediately to on-call duty staff to prevent prolonged production downtimes and delayed production deadlines. All project alarms are configurable for this situation type to notify users. The Movicon™ Alarm Dispatcher, notifies events, sends alarm alerts to staff using the Voice technology (Text-To-Speech telephone notifications with voice synthesis), with SMS, E-Mail or by Fax. The supported Ms Messenger is a ‘must have' for plant systems connected in net 24/24 (local or web network). Notifications are sent to assigned Users or User Groups. Messages can be sent according to customizable time schedules, calendar dates, work shifts, and on-call duty staff shifts.
Production Statistical Downtime Analysis
Tools capable of statically analysing machine downtimes during production runtimes are crucial to factory production and maintenance managers. The data analysis quickly singles out any critical points within the production process to allow plant system efficiency and productivity improvements. Your productivity cannot be improved without this information.

This powerful tool is used for managing events and production downtimes analytically, to generate reports on total or partial plant downtimes. This information, in table, pie or histogram chart format, provides a list of alarm occurrences for the time frame specified and classification by “Duration” (total times of all the occurrences of the same type) or by “Frequency” (Total number of occurrences of the same type). These reports can be displayed and printed as desired, on command or on event, and exported in various formats (Excel, PDF, HTML). These reports provide all the detailed information you will ever need to know on each single alarm analyzed.

All Progea software solutions had been desgined to
offer you:
Importing and re-use

Movicon is a Progea
registered trademark and all rights are reserved.
Movicon is certified as
"Designed for Windows XP" by Microsoft and is tested
and certified by OPC Foundation.